Agile Antechinus Identified
A snapshot of the flora and fauna at Sandy Creek Valley was obtained on November 2021 by the Geelong Field Naturalists (GFN). Over four days, the GFN made observations through the day and undertook spotlighting at night. Highlights included one Agile Antechinus identified, three Koalas (including a female and her young), a Yellow-bellied Glider, and a Red-necked Wallaby.
Birds identified included: Grey Fantail, Fan-tailed Cuckoo, White-browed Scrubwren, Brush Cuckoo, Southern Boobook, Satin Flycatcher, Laughing Kookaburra, Sulphur-crested Cockatoo, Olive Whistler, Rufous Fantail, Crimson Rosella, Rufous Whistler, Australian King-Parrot, White-throated Treecreeper, Grey Currawong, Bassian Thrush, Common Blackbird, Brown Thornbill, Superb Fairywren, Yellow-faced Honeyeater, Silvereye, Red Wattlebird, White-naped Honeyeater, Golden Whistler, Eastern Yellow Robin, and Striated Pardalote.
The GFN identified that it was very interesting to see plants that seemed familiar at first, but upon a closer look they were different to plants commonly seen around Geelong. They are from the same genus, but of different species. An orchard was discovered that may prove to be a new separate species.
Common Names of Plants identified: Blackwood, Trailing Goodenia, Prickly Geebung, Common Rice-flower, Prickly Moses, Hop Goodenia, Black Anther Flax-lily, Tasman Flax-lily, Broom Spurge, Trailing Guinea-flower, Slender Rice-flower, Banyalla, Common Aotus, Bundled Guinea-flower, Brown Stringybark, Shining Peppermint, Silver Banksia, Prickly Teatree, Handsome Flat-pea, Messmate, Silky or Heath Teatree, Milkmaids, White Elderberry, Narrow-leaved Peppermint, Scented Paperbark, Golden Caladenia, Forest Starwort, Manna Gum, Hairy Mitrewort, Flying Duck-orchid, Thrift-leaved Triggerplant, Common Eutaxia, Musk Daisy-bush, Green Bird-orchid, Pink Bells, Red-fruit Saw-sedge, Privet Mock Olive, Mountain Clematis, Grass-tree, Short Purple-flag and Prickly Currant-bush.
Special thanks to the Geelong Field Naturalists. The full report can be read
Visitors to the farm may also be able to identify the flora and fauna listed above as well as many more.